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[Wifi] Learning-Based Spatial Reuse for WLANs With Early Identification of Interfering Transmitters

by 메릴린 2023. 3. 7.

Learning-Based Spatial Reuse for WLANs With Early Identification of Interfering Transmitters

Preliminaries: Early Identification of Interfering Transmitters


Using MDP

  • four tuple $(\Omega, \Alpha, q, R)$
  • union and the Cartesian product
    • $\Omega_{\text{MAC}} := {S_0, S_1, S_2, S_3}$
    • $\Omega_{\text{BS}}$
      • the current backoff stage
      • the times of consecutive transmission failure at present
    • $\Omega_{\text{CH}} := {0,1,2,\cdots, N}$
      • index of transmitting interferer that identified by the agent
      • $\omega_{CH}[t] = 0$ : “the channel is ide”l or “the interferer is unable to be identified”
    • $\Omega_{\text{DR}} := {1, \cdots, K}$
      • the number of available MCS
      • the currently chosen data rate for transmission


  1. Select Data Rate (in $S_0$)
  2. Choose Whether or not go ignore detected transmission / adjust data rate (in $S_2$)
  3. Continue carrier sensing (in $S_1$ , backoff counter is still not 0)

Metric and Reward

Given that the agent has successfully transmitted a packet after $J$ **times of consecutive packet transmission failures, the service time $D$

  • $C_j$ : the duration of the unsuccessful transmission in backoff stage $j$
  • $T_J$ : the duration of the successful transmission
  • $B_j$ : the backoff countdown duration in backoff stage $j$
  • $Y$ : the number of times that agent has freezed its backoff counter
  • $F_i$ : the duration that the agent freezes its backoff counter

⇒ 즉, 새로운 Packet이 생성되고 나서부터 성공하기까지 (ACK reicept까지) 걸리는 시간


  • when transmission failed (from $S_1$ to $S_0$)
    • $-B_j-C_j$
  • when transmission succeeded (from $S_1$ to $S_3$)
    • $-B_J-T_J$
  • when it has fronzen the backoff counter to wait until the detected transmission ends
    (when $a=0$, from $S_2$ to $S_1$)
    • $-F_i$

Learning-Based Spatial Reuse Operation

Learning Algorithm

  • RUQL (Repeated )
    • learning rate 조절
    • 덜 탐색되는 action에 higher learning rate를 부여
    • $\alpha_n$ : the learning rate in the conventional QL algorithm
  • $\epsilon$-greedy exploration policy

Transmit Power Restriction

concurrent transmission에서 on-going transmissions를 보호하기 위해 transmit power를 낮춘다.

  • $P_{ref}$ : maximum possible transmit power of the agent
  • $\Theta_{min} = -82dBm$
    • default CCA threshold of legacy devices
  • $I$ : measured interference strength

⇒ inversely proportional to the detected interference strength

Numerical Evalution

  • Throughput
  • MAC Service Time Composition
  • Performance Gains Due to Identifying Interferers
  • Time-Varying Topology
    • change the location once a second
  • Impact to Legacy Transmitters
    • evaluate the percentage of packets transmitted by the OBSS transmitters that are corrupted by the transmission of the agent.
  • Multiple Agents

Analysis of Gains Due to Identifying Interferers

  • State Partition : Stationary MDP
  • Analysis of Gains Due to Identifying Interferers


  • agent가 현재 topology에 놓인 상황을 state로 표현
  • Agent의 MAC service time을 줄이고자 하는 것이 목적
  • agents가 10개인 Multi-Agents 환경에 대해서도 실험
    • 각 agent selfish
  • The Partitioned MDP의 사용
    • But identifier는 구분하지 않고 단순화 함
    • learning algorithm과 simulation evaluation에서는 사용되지 않음


🧐 왜 모든 reward 값을 음수로 설정했는가? 이는 모든 agent의 action이 agent의 goal을 방해한다는 것을 의미하기에 좀 이상한 것 같다.

🧐 왜 adjusting transmit power에 proportional을 썼을까? proportional fairness의 의미?

🧐 Fig 8.의 Throughput 차이가 큰 의미가 있는가? (4개의 transmitters, Mbit/s 10정도의 차이)

